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Philmont Guidebook to Adventure
There are as many different theories on how to pack and what to take as there are backpackers. The Philmont list is proven, and has enough flexibility for your personal preferences. Don’t over complicate it. Find a gear provider you trust, and a single source for core information.
Important Dates
October 29 – Information and Planning meeting
- Make Christmas list of necessary gear. Watch for sales at REI, Academy, Cabellas, Bass Pro, and even Walmart. Sierra Trading Post, Moosejaw, and even the Philmont Store and the local Meinders Scout Store has some sales on good gear.
- Itinerary Guidebook is available
January – Itinerary Selection Opens – Crew advisor selects top three choices
- Schedule medical exams. Review completed medical forms prior to shakedown activities.
- Gear Shakedown and initial hike
February – Shakedown hike opt 2.
March 2023 – Final Payment Due
July 2023 – Trek
Required Forms
Wilderness Emergency Training Certifications
CPR Certifications